Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cross - Discovering Assets and Valuing Intangibles

By Brad Cross 6 November 2008

In the last article in this series, we identified our technical liabilities by component, with each component representing a functional area. Now we will do the same with the asset side of the balance sheet.

The way a code base is structured determines the way it can be valued as an asset. If a code base matches up well to a business domain, chunks of code can be mapped to the revenue streams that they support. This is easier with software products than supporting infrastructure. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to put together a straightforward chain of logic to map from revenue to chunks of the code base. In situations like this, where mapping is not so obvious, you have to be a bit more creative. One possibility is to consider valuing it as an intangible asset, following practices of goodwill accounting.

An even more complicated scenario is a monolithic design with excessive interdependence. In this case, it is very difficult to even consider an asset valuation breakdown, since you cannot reliably map from functional value to isolated software components. This situation is exemplified by monolithic projects that become unwieldy and undergo a re-write. This is a case where bad design and lack of encapsulation hurt flexibility. Without a well encapsulated component-based design, you can only analyze value at the level of the entire project.

Substitutability as a Proxy for Asset Valuation

One way to think about asset valuation is substitutability. The notion of code substitutability is influenced by Michael Porter's Five Forces model, and is similar to the economic concept of a substitute good. Think of code components in a distribution according to the degree to which they are cheap or expensive to replace. "Cheap to replace" components are those that are replaceable by open source or commercial components, where customization is minimal. "Expensive to replace" components are those that are only replaceable through custom development, i.e. refactoring or rewriting.

Substitutability of code gives us four levels of asset valuation that can be rank ordered:

  1. Deletable (lowest valuation / cheapest to replace)
  2. Replaceable
  3. Valuable
  4. Critical (highest valuation / most expensive to replace)

Consider a collection of software modules and their corresponding valuation:

ModuleSubstitutibility ModuleSubstitutibility




























A critical component is top level domain logic. In the example table, only the trading logic component is critical. This component represents the investment strategies themselves - supporting the research, development, and execution of trading strategies is the purpose of the software.

A valuable component exists to support the top level domain logic. Here, there is a trading component that supports the trading logic by providing building blocks for developing investment strategies. There is also a simulation component that is the engine for simulating the investment strategies using historical data or using Monte Carlo methods. You can also see a handful of other components that provide specialized support to the mission of research, development and execution of investment strategies.

A replaceable component is useful, but it is infrastructure that can be replaced with open source or commercial component. Things in this category include homegrown components that could be replaced by other open source or commercial tools. Components in this category may do more than off-the-shelf alternatives, but an off-the-shelf replacement can be easily modified to meet requirements. In the example above you can see four components in this category. They are related to APIs, brokers, or the persistence layer of the software. Both broker APIs and persistence are replaceable by a wide variety of different alternatives.

A deletable component is a component from which little or no functionality is used, allowing us to either delete the entire thing, or extract a very small part and then delete the rest. This includes the case when you "might need something similar" but the current implementation is useless. In the example, there is an entire component, “Providers,” which is entirely useless.

Accepting Substitution

It is important to consider psychological factors when making estimates of value. Emotionally clinging to work we have done in the past will derail this process. For example, perhaps I have written a number of custom components of which I am very proud. Perhaps I think that work is a technical masterpiece, and over time I may have convinced others that it provides a genuine business edge. If we can't put our biases aside, we talk ourselves into investing time into code of low value, and we miss the opportunity to leverage off-the-shelf or open-source alternatives that can solve the same problem in a fraction of the time.

In this article we've defined a way to identify our assets by business function and to value them either based on a relationship to revenue streams or by proxy using their degree of substitutability. In the next installment, we’ll take a look at switching costs and volatility to set the stage for thinking in terms of cash flows when making trade-off decisions in our code.

About Brad Cross: Brad is a programmer.

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